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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 28 - Inspired by your favorite colour

Salutare dragelor!!!

Am cam ramas in urma cu postarile, insa incerc pe cat posibil sa recuperez. Mai este foarte putin pana la ultima manichiura din aceasta provocare. imi doresc din tot sufletul sa o duc la bun sfarsit, asa ca hai sa vedem cum a iesit manichiura de azi . Va pup, si dupa cum veti vedea in imagini, movul e la putere!!
Ne vedem maine!

Hello!I am so late with the posts, but I am trying hard  to recover.. There is very little until the last nail design in  this 31 days challenge. I wish with all my heart to go through, so let's see how it came out the manicure for today. I kiss you, and as you will see in photos, purple rules!
See you tomorrow!


  1. What a gorgeous purple - even more gorgeous with the effect polishes...!

  2. Ce dragut e modelul de pe unghiile accent :D me likey
    Pupici :*

  3. ce pot sa spun decat ca arata minunat:)

  4. Deci neaparat tre sa-ti spun ca oja e superba, superba! Are o nuanta atat de frumoasa si se potriveste perfect cu modelul ales de tine :)


Thank you kind for your wonderful comments and of course for taking a moment from your precious time to write your beautiful words here. Kisses and I hope you enjoyed.