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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 25 - Inspired by your Childhood

Salutare!!! Am reusit intr-un final sa termin si aceasta manichiura. Ramasesem  in urma si a trebuit neaparat sa recuperez. Aceasta manichiura nu este tocmai reusita........ se pare ca m-am dus cu gandul prea departe la copilarie si am ajuns in "gura lupului". Da, bunica imi spunea seara, la culcare Povestea " Scufita Rosie".
Apoi am preluat-o si eu si am povestit-o mai departe fratelui meu...... iar cand voi avea copii, nu voi ezita sa le-o povestesc si lor.
Lasand melancolia la o parte, sa trecem la unghiute!!! Am vrut sa o surprind pe Scufita ziua (soare , flori, fluturi) si noaptea prin padure. A iesit un amalgam. Ma rog, haideti sa vedeti imaginile.
Va pup si sper sa va trezeasca amintiri placute.

Hello! I finally managed to finish this manicure too. I really needed to catch up. This manicure is not very successful ........ apparently thinking I went too far in childhood and the wolf eat me :))) Yes, my grandmother told me at bedtime tale "Red Riding Hood".Then I took it and I told  it to my brother ...... and when I have children, I will not hesitate to tell it to them too.Leaving aside melancholy, lets see the nail design! I wanted to surprise Riding Hood at daytime (sun, flowers, butterflies) and at night-time through the woods. It came out a mix. Well, let's see the pictures.I hope you like it and you remembered your childhood.

Good night , don't let the bug bed bite!!!!!


Thank you kind for your wonderful comments and of course for taking a moment from your precious time to write your beautiful words here. Kisses and I hope you enjoyed.