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Sunday, January 27, 2013

day 26 - Inspired by your Country

Azi am realizat o manichiura inspirata de culorile drapelului. Am mai realizat o astfel de manichiura (click aici)  cu ocazia zilei de 1 Decembrie in semn de patriotism. Azi vreau sa se stie si in Honolulu cum arata steagul nostru si unde se situeaza Romania pe harta. Bineinteles ca va invit sa vedeti ce tara frumoasa avem!!!! (Discover Romania) Lasand gluma la o parte  ( Asta-i Romania)!!!!!
Va pup si va las cu imaginile.

Today I made ​​a manicure inspired by the colors of  Romania's flag. I made ​​such a manicure (click here) on the occasion of December 1st as a sign of patriotism. Today I want   Honolulu to know how are flag looks like  and where is Romania on the map. Of course I invite you to see what a beautiful country we have!! (Discover Romania) Leaving jokes aside (That's Romania)!!!!!!I kiss you girls and I leave you with images.


  1. Foarte draguta, ador detalilul cu paiete :)

  2. Dragute unghiutele, imi plac foarte mult paietele astea albastre :*

  3. imi place modelul tau patriotic, si mie imi plac paietele albastre trebuie sa-mi iau si eu :)


Thank you kind for your wonderful comments and of course for taking a moment from your precious time to write your beautiful words here. Kisses and I hope you enjoyed.